Monday, November 25, 2013

It's officially freezing outside (33 degrees to be exact) which means it's time to break out the winter playlist. I won't lie in the wintertime my music taste tends to go from the upbeat peppiness that the fall brings to pretty mellow. I don't know what it is about the winter but the cold weather just puts me in the mood to mellow out. Some of my favorite wintertime bands are Bon Iver, The National, Cat Power, and Fink. Check them out if you're looking for some chill tunes to kick back by the fireplace and read a good book with. Do you have any favorite winter time songs?

Friday, November 15, 2013

This weeks post is a bit off the beaten path in regards to genre. I normally recommend music that is of the indie variety but this week is a bit different because I've taken inspiration the more mainstream music. The best way for me to describe it is : Miley. I know you may be thinking ... Miley? Really? BUT  her new album Bangerz is pretty good. If you haven't checked it out yet I would recommend that you give it a shot. Go into it with an open mind. Like me, you may be pleasantly surprised. Enjoy !

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Goldspot- Rewind

I may have a small obsession with the show How I Met Your Mother, which could be in itself kind of weird but whatever. As I was watching an episode last week this song played in the background. It perked my interest because it was catchy. I looked it up and here it is. Hope you enjoy! The songs name is rewind by the band Goldspot.

Welcome beautiful people!

HELLO all! This blog is meant to share great independent music for all moods. Every post will have great music for you to enjoy. Hopefully I can introduce you to some new music you've never heard before, or just post some music you already like! I always welcome suggests for what you'd like to see on the blog. I'd also love to know what you think about the posts so please don't be shy!

xoxo Elia